Paul Nation on How Languages are Learned
Paul Nation is an Emeritus Professor of Applied Linguistics at the University of Victoria and a renowned author and scholar in our industry. He joins us for a discussion on learning, putting research into practice, and - of course - the four strands 27 years later.
Paul touches specifically on:
his vocabulary niche
the birth of the four strands
how it's a basis for course construction, not lesson design
how he learned Greek on a 2 hour flight
why teachers who activate extensive reading in class are brave
why teachers need to believe that by not teaching, people can learn
the only 3 things that matter in learning
if there is a fifth strand
For more on Paul Nation, see his extensive list of publications and resources by clicking here.
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About Paul Nation
Paul Nation is an Emeritus Professor of Applied Linguistics in the School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. His research areas include language teaching methodology and the teaching and learning of vocabulary. His web resources site contains many free resources for teachers and researchers, including books, word lists, vocabulary tests, articles and resources for speed reading and extensive reading.
He has taught in Indonesia, Thailand, the United States, Finland and Japan.
His resources (publications, word lists, graded readers, free books, language teaching videos, vocabulary tests, vocabulary analysis programs, vocabulary bibliography) can be found at
These include a free book called “What do you need to know to learn a foreign language?”, and most of his articles for free download.
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