Geoff Jordan on ELT Now and How It Could Be
Geoff Jordan is a teacher, trainer, academic, and author. Geoff has a Ph.D. in Second Language Acquisition, has worked at ESADE, Barcelona for 28 years, and recently co-authored a book with the late Mike Long called "ELT Now and How It Could Be."His main academic interests are: theories of SLA, psycholinguistics, teaching practice and computational linguistics.
Specifically, Geoff touches on:
his beginnings in the ELT industry
working alongside Mike Long, Peter Skehan and Henry Widdowson in the early days
his new book "ELT Now and How It Could Be," co-written with the late Mike Long
how commercialization has hurt the language industry
why students should be angry after 300 hours of study when they still can't "go to the pub in London"
why task-based learning is the only way to go
why "presenting" language is inefficacious
how the future of the industry is in niche courses
advising students to be more resourceful in their learning
listener questions
Check out his new book "ELT Now and How It Could Be."
More on Geoff:
Watch the Video Version of our Podcast
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About Geoff Jordan
Geoff Jordan is a teacher, trainer, academic, and author. Geoff has a Ph.D. in Second Language Acquisition, has worked at ESADE, Barcelona for 28 years, and recently co-authored a book with the late Mike Long called "ELT Now and How It Could Be."His main academic interests are: theories of SLA, psycholinguistics, teaching practice and computational linguistics.
Here’s his bio in his words:
I’ve lived in Spain since 1981.
I worked at ESADE, Barcelona for 28 years, as a language teacher and then as Director of Studies. I helped to organise and run an MA TESOL program, run jointly by the Institute Of Education (London University) and ESADE from 1994 to 2003.
From 2004, I’ve worked freelance. Work includes: English immersion courses at home. Tutor to post-doctoral students at the Universitat Politecnica de Barcelona. Associate tutor in DL MA in Applied Linguistics and TESOL program at Leicester University. Tutor to PhD students at University of Wales, Trinity and St. David. Co-director of TBLT teacher training course with Neil McMillan for the SLB cooperative, Barcelona.
Jordan, G & Long, M. (2022) English Language Teaching: Now ad How it Could Be. Cambridge Scholars.
Jordan, G. & Gray, H. (2019). We need to talk about Coursebooks. ELT Journal, 73, 4, 438–446,
Jordan, G. (2012). Theoretical Constructs in SLA. In Robinson, P. (ed) The Routledge Encyclopedia of SLA. London, Routledge.
Jordan, G. (2004). Explanatory Adequacy and Theories of SLA. Applied Linguistics, 25/4, 234 to 238.
Jordan, G. (2004). Theory Construction in SLA. Amsterdam, Benjamins.Johns,
Long, M., Gregg, K., Jordan, G. and Beretta, A. (2003). Rationality and its Discontents. Applied Linguistics, 24, 3, 45 -67.
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