2023 Wrapped: Making Next Year an Authentic One
Our 5in30 helps you get 5 new clients in 30 days. Start here.
Leo, Mike, and Andrew grab some nog, get in the holiday spirit, and chat about authenticity - Merriam-Webster's word of the year for 2023. We delve into what the word means to us and how we and anyone building a business can bring as much authenticity as possible into 2024.
Specifically, we dive into:
LYE's beginnings
our process and struggles with niching down
why the response "teachers will love that" to our first offer was a bad answer
the highs and lows of developing your own business
the "do one thing" philosophy to business growth
unconventional niche XYZ
how you can develop sustainable practices in your business in 2024
Watch the Pharrell Williams/Maggie Rogers niche-fusion video mentioned in this episode.
Watch the Video Version of our Podcast
Interested in Continuing your Teacher Development?
Apply to the LYE Teacher Accelerator Program
The Teacher Accelerator Program
Want to design your own course, teach what you’re passionate about, and gain stability in your business?
Have you joined our free teacherpreneur community?
Network with others on a similar trajectory.
Ways we at LYE can help you right now:
5in30: Get 5 clients in the next 30 days
2. Sandbox your own course ideas in our free support community for teacherpreneurs.
3. Map your first course in 60 minutes or less - your free guide here
4. See our free guides for teachers starting their own business
5. Try our TAP program free for 7 days
6. CPD: Teaching Listening Made Easy
7. Follow us on IG: @learnyourenglish
Podcast Creation:
This episode was created with support from Skool & Podbean. If you're looking to launch a course or start a podcast, we highly recommend them - and use them ourselves.
As always, thank you for listening. Your support has been overwhelming and we couldn't do what we do without you. We hope this podcast serves as an effective CPD tool for you.
If you have a comment or question about today's show, we'd love to hear from you: info@learnyourenglish.com
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