We should AIM to give more STATUS to being a teacher - Audrey Rousse-Malpat

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If you use vocabulary and grammar tests, you don't teach communicatively.  Audrey Rousse-Malpat tells us why. 

Audrey Rousse-Malpat is an assistant professor in second language acquisition at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. She is also an entrepreneur and leads a teacher training company called Project Frans specializing in usage-based pedagogies for French as second language. She hosts the "Je suis #profdeFLE" ("I am a French language teacher") podcast. 

Her research focuses on the AIM method: the Accelerative Integrated Method. In our conversation, she argues why it's a method education should adopt.

In this episode, Audrey talks about:

  • thinking like a scientist

  • schools as factories

  • AIM (Accelerative Integrated Method) and how it works

  • Marry Poppins

  • structure-based teaching vs Dynamic usage

  • why teachers need to relinquish control

  • what went wrong with the communicative approach

  • tips for implementing AIM

  • multilingual approaches in higher education 

For more from Audrey Rousse-Malpat:

1. Project Frans 

2. Connect on LinkedIn

Watch the Video Version of our Podcast


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About Audrey Rousse-Malpat

Audrey Rousse-Malpat is an assistant professor in second language acquisition at the University of Groningen (the Netherlands). She works on dynamic usage-based approaches in second language teaching and multilingual approaches in higher education. One of her favorite activities is inspiring vocations to become language teachers. She is also an entrepreneur and leads a teacher training company called Project Frans with her colleagues Wim Gombert and Janny Spreen. They specialize in training teachers to implement usage-based inspired pedagogies for French as a second language.

She completed her PhD in 2019 on the effects of an implicit Canadian teaching method called AIM on the oral and written development of French learners in high schools. She compared it with an explicit teaching program and analyzed their differential effects on complexity, accuracy, and fluency over three years of instruction for 229 learners. In 2022, she created the podcast "Je suis #profdeFLE" (translated to "I am a French language teacher"), in which she invites academics to discuss their research topics in French and what the findings mean for teaching practice (very much inspired by the Teacher Talking Time podcast! She is a fan).

Podcast Creation:

This episode was created with support from Skool Podbean. If you're looking to launch a course or start a podcast, we highly recommend them - and use them ourselves. 

As always, thank you for listening. Your support has been overwhelming and we couldn't do what we do without you. We hope this podcast serves as an effective CPD tool for you.

If you have a comment or question about today's show, we'd love to hear from you: info@learnyourenglish.com 

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Communications and PD Director, Learn YOUR English. Enjoying books, coffee, and travel (mostly) since ‘87. 


A PLAN is not a STRATEGY: The 7 Cs of Teacherpreneur Success


Burnout and stress is TOO LATE for teacher wellbeing - Sarah Mercer