Episode 29: Dr. Masatoshi Sato
Leo and Mike chat with Dr. Masatoshi Sato about academic research, second language teaching, and why a lack of implementation still exists between research and pedagogy.
Dr. Sato (PhD: McGill University) is a Professor in the Department of English at Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile. He currently teaches pre-service and in-service English teachers in Chile. His research agenda is to conduct theoretical and practical research in order to provide practitioners with evidence-based pedagogy. In particular, he has conducted research focusing on peer interaction, corrective feedback, learner psychology, teacher psychology, and research-pedagogy dialogue.
He recently published a paper titled "Do Teachers Care about Research? The Research-Pedagogy Dialogue" which is the focus of this episode. *Note: the paper is free to read.
Dr. Sato tells us:
how he became a researcher (2:00)
misconceptions on the purpose of second language research (12:00)
what the "research-pedagogy" dialogue is and why it's important (18:00)
why he believes teachers usually don't interact with research (30:00)
what researchers need to do for their work to be more useful to teachers (34:00)
why motivation cannot be the cause of learning (47:00)
his study analyzing motivation and the "ideal self system" and its link to second language learning (52:00)
For more on Dr. Sato:
Follow him: @masatoshi_sato
For more information on this episode, see our blog post about it.
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