Even Beyoncé has imposter syndrome (and what she did about it)


Imposter syndrome is a crutch, not an excuse.

Read time: 4 minutes

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Tip: We’ve never met an underachiever with imposter syndrome

We like to say we've never met an underachiever with imposter syndrome.

So, if you have it, that's a weirdly great attribute. And it's not unique.

Even the best in the world get it. Including Beyoncé. Want to know how she overcame it?

Let’s first say this: imposter syndrome is a crutch, not an excuse. There are a lot of people that use it as a reason to stay complacent and not move forward. The reality is that everyone experiences imposter syndrome.


Successful people move forward anyway. Unsuccessful people complain about how bad their imposter syndrome is.

For Beyoncé, her imposter syndrome was nearly crippling. So used the character invention tactic that thousands have used to overcome imposter syndrome.

Takeaway: Imposter syndrome is frequent.

Find ways to use it to your advantage

Credit to this idea goes to Matt Schnuck, who wrote an incredible thread about this.

Read that here.

She invented a character who isn’t scared to do the things you’re afraid of doing.

Meet Sasha Fierce.

Sasha is:

  • fearless

  • audacious

  • an incredible on stage performer

All things Beyonce believes she isn't.


Task: Do you need your own Sasha Fierce?

While most of us won't likely consider ourselves performers, we can use this tactic as well. Or at the very least find comfort in one of the most successful people in the world feeling how we do. 

Somewhat ironically, the place most of us might say we "perform" (i.e. in front of our students) is likely where we feel most at home. 

It's in the other "stuff" where we feel anxious:

  • putting ourselves out in public

  • creating our own course

  • selling our courses and not thinking they are valuable enough

For those things, channel your inner Sasha Fierce. And go with it. 

Give your character a name. 

Give them 3-4 attributes.

Channel them when you feel your imposter syndrome coming on. 

And keep on putting one foot in front of the other. 

Beyoncé had two options in front of her:

1. Let her imposter syndrome destroy any dream she had

2. Do it anyway

Which one are you going to choose?



Andrew Woodbury