Episode 31: 2020 Year in Review
Mike, Leo, and Andrew sit down and reflect on the year that was in 2020. In a year unlike any other in our lifetime, many things happened. They discuss:
takeaways from the top 5 most listened to Teacher Talking Time episodes of the year
lessons learned in 2020 and reflecting on their 2019 goals
what goal setting for next year looks like staring down a pandemic
The Top 5 Most Listened to Episodes of 2020:
#5: Chiara Bruzzano and Marc Jones on Teaching Listening
#4: Neil McMillan on Task-based Language Teaching
#3: Vinicius Nobre on Teacher Development and Education
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As always, thank you for listening. Your support has been overwhelming and we couldn't do what we do without you. We hope this podcast serves as an effective CPD tool for you.
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