Create SMART systems in your teaching business


Without systems, procrastination reins

Read time: 5 minutes

Here’s our TTT for this week on how to grow your online teaching business.

What is TTT? A Tip, Takeaway, and Task. On Thursday.


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Tip: Decisions destroy systems

Every business needs systems.

Without systems, we leave ourselves open to our own decisions.

And when we actively decide, that’s when we:

  • procrastinate

  • say we’ll do it tomorrow

  • complete the task in a rush

All of these things are not conducive to long-term success.

One way of combating this is with SMART goals.

We’re sure you’re familiar with SMART goals, but just in case:

S: Specific

M: Measurable

A: Achievable

R: Relevant

T: Time-bound

If you’re looking for systems in your business to stay on track, this might be a good option for your first system.

Takeaway: Use the SMART framework as your first system

The great thing about systems is that they don’t allow us to decide; they just happen.

An example we like to give is if you have a job that starts at 9am, do you show up late? From time to time, maybe, but not all the time. Why not? Because you’ll likely get fired.

But with us, why do we let ourselves off the hook?

When we launched TSN last fall, we used this framework:

Specific: Get the last part of TSN ready to launch

Measurable: Record 4 training modules in the next 4 weeks

Achievable: Sit down for 60 minutes at 2PM each Wednesday for the next 4 Wednesday and do it

Relevant: This allows us to get the platform up and running

Time-bound: Due date is September 30 so we can review as a team

Task: Create a SMART goal right now

Set one SMART goal for the next 30 days.

We are large advocates of less is more, especially at the beginning. Aim to complete one goal in the next 30 days. This may not seem like much, but that’s exactly the point. Doing this is teh gateway to more, but you need to think in terms of years and decades, not weeks or months.

Use the next 30 days to set up your system for the long term.

Hope this helps.



Andrew Woodbury

Communications and PD Director, Learn YOUR English. Enjoying books, coffee, and travel (mostly) since ‘87. 


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