Why your 2023 goals hold you back


If you’re not successful, it’s because you’re not consistent

Read time: 8 minutes

Here’s our TTT for this week on how to grow your online teaching business.

What is TTT? A Tip, Takeaway, and Task. On Thursday.


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Tip: Embrace unsexy consistency

Every January, people make new goals. We’re here to say that making goals is a waste of time.

That might sound strange. However, we believe the process is more powerful than the goal.

As you begin a new year and have new aspirations for your teaching business, don’t commit to goals. Instead, commit to the activities that will help you achieve them.

Here’s an uncomfortable truth: you’re not where you want to be because you’re not consistent.

Most people can’t do one thing over and over again.

As teachers, we are creators. We are creatives. We thrive on creating new things constantly.

And this kills businesses.

A thriving business is based on doing one thing again and again and again.


Consistency isn’t sexy. But it’s necessary.

Takeaway: You must keep doing the one thing independent of the result it yields

Every winner and every loser have the same goals” - Atomic Habits

That’s why setting goals is a waste of time.

Everyone has goals.

Everyone wants to:

  • be happy

  • make more money

  • have more free time

  • get more students

  • lower preparation time

  • design courses they’re proud of

  • help students achieve their goals

But here’s the thing: your goals don’t make you unique. Rather, it’s the things that you do that make you unique.

Why does James Clear argue that every winner and every loser have the same goals? Because they do. What separates them is how they go about achieving them.

For example:

  • The goal of the winner is to commit to the activities.

  • The goal of the loser is to commit to the goal.

Alex Hormozi states that 52% of American teenagers think they’ll be millionaires by 25 years old.

And most of them will fail.

But they all have the same goal. So, why will they fail?

Because the vast majority won’t commit to the activities necessary to achieve it.

If you think about the people who actually go on to earn that million dollars, they didn’t focus on making a million dollars from the beginning. They focused on the activities in order to achieve that.

Don’t focus on the goal, focus on the process.

Task: Divorce the activities from the outcome

When you can divorce the activities from the outcome, you make progress. You focus on the doing.

Then no matter how much your income or results fluctuate on a weekly or monthly basis, what you do stays constant. You focus on what you can control.

Your self-esteem stays the same because you focus on what you can control.

If you can make that shift, you’ll achieve whatever you want to.

You become a person who shows up and does the thing.

An example of ours is our podcast.

When we started the Teacher Talking Time podcast almost exactly five years ago, we didn’t give a second thought to downloads or outcomes. We wanted to be people who release a podcast. And we’ve released one every month for five years.

And now, we have the results. Not from the goal, but from the activity.

If you do one thing in 2023, continue being or become a person who shows up.

To do this, set up a system for yourself that helps you:

A. Focus on the absolute essentials in your business

B. Filter out the non-essentials

Then, set up a habit to follow through on it.

We use Notion for this. See Andrew’s to-do list below:


You’ll notice two segments:

  1. Pending tasks

  2. Completed tasks

People tend to feel overwhelmed when they don’t have a system to help them prioritize and compartmentalize.

Your task for this week is to set up a to-do list for the week.

Here’s how:

Step 1: Create one main goal to accomplish in the next 7 days

Step 2: Break that down into 7 mini steps

Step 3: Add each mini step to your to-do list for each day

Step 4: Dedicate a specific time to do it each day

Step 5: Do it

Step 6: Cross it off

Step 7: Walk away and do something fun

Step 8: Show up again tomorrow

Step 9: Rinse and repeat

In 2023, we’re working towards becoming people who show up.

No goals.

Just doing.

Are you with us?

We hope this helps. 

See you again next week.

Leo, Andrew, and Mike


Andrew Woodbury

Communications and PD Director, Learn YOUR English. Enjoying books, coffee, and travel (mostly) since ‘87. 


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